Social Media and Increasing your Child's Safety Online -Mandatory Parent Session
2024-09-26Mandatory Social Media Presentation by Val Caldwell
Hockey Brandon in conjunction with Hockey Manitoba is presenting a Mandatory social media presentation that must be attended by 1 parent of each child that is enrolled in U11, U13, U15 and U18 age categories. The session is open to all other parents from U7 and U9 age groups as optional. The session is a very informative presentation presented by Val Caldwell. The sessions will be held at the Victoria Inn on the following dates (choose 1 date to attend). Registration will be taken at the door.
Monday Sept.30 7:00pm Victoria Inn Grand Salon A
Monday Nov.18 8:00pm Victoria Inn Grand Salon A
Monday Sept.30 7:00pm Victoria Inn Grand Salon A
Monday Nov.18 8:00pm Victoria Inn Grand Salon A